Pinksteren 2020 #2
I wish there’d be a song that would
Perform God’s miracles
Make the lame stand up and walk
Give sight back to the blind
And if there’d be a song that could
Bring love and peace on earth
Tear down every crooked church
I’d write a dozen of that kind
© De Dijk & Solomon Burke / Huub van der Lubbe, Solomon Burke, Wouter Planteijdt, Nico Arzbach
Tags // 2010, 2020, De Dijk, De Dijk & Solomon Burke, De Dijk & Solomon Burke - Perfect Song, De Dijk en Solomon Burke, Hold on tight, Huub van der Lubbe, Nico Arzbach, Perfect Song, Pinksteren, Pinksteren 2020, Solomon Burke & De Dijk - Hold on tight, soundtrack, Tweede Pinksterdag, Tweede Pinksterdag 2020, Wouter Planteijdt
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